First Civilization Wine Re-discovered

A Journey of Wine

Rare grapes captivating new palates

The culture of wine has shaped mankind and the way we live;

La Cité du Vin, 2017

Across the Ages and across the world, whether mythical, sacred, religious or magical, the culture of wine has been a source of inspiration in both past and present – a continued effort that today finds its home at La Cité du Vin in Bordeaux.

After decades of investing in quality and characteristic winemaking; from improved grape and soil knowledge, Cyprus wine-producing regions can boast of regional distinctiveness in the wineries that participate in the Cyprus Ambassador program anchored at La Cité du Vin.

Today’s concerted contribution of selected Cyprus wineries find themselves committed as co-participants in the museum’s mission to providing an open door onto the world’s vineyards showcasing ancient varieties, vineyards and wines of a first civilization winemaking region that is Cyprus.

The Cyprus Ambassador Wine Program
New Ports of Call

La Cité du Vin, 2018

New ports of call

New Port of Call

Maritime connections

Discovering Wines in a new light
Cyprus journey of wine at la cité du vin
Remarkable receives inspiration
Cyprus wines captivating new palates

Rare grapes on stage

Cyprus Grape Experiences

New horizons.

Captivating and inviting to rare grapes
Cyprus wine la cité du vin

Wine among wines

Stage like no other.
A new dimension to Cyprus Wine Experiences
See 2017-2021 Program Partners


In 2017, La Cité du Vin in Bordeaux welcomed 445,000 visitors of 176 different nationalities, more than 1000 French and international journalists, 1100 groups and 400 private events.
La Cité du Vin has seen a great success with its first two temporary exhibitions and has ambitious plan for 2018 seeing the cumulative requests for international collaboration, the Cité du Vin Foundation intends to gain momentum to become the key contact for wine exhibitions abroad including India, China, Japan and the United States.
About La Cité du Vin:
La Cité du Vin is a unique cultural facility situated in Bordeaux, dedicated to wine as a cultural, universal and living heritage. It offers a spectacular voyage around the world, through the ages, in all cultures, and for all audiences. Cyprus Wines through the Evoinos partnership program are represented since 2017.