Honors to the Wine ambassador

Honors to the Wine ambassador

József Kosárka, the wine diplomat passes away

Avid writer of articles and essays on various aspects of the wine world for two decades, he represented his native Tokaj with rigor and high esteem for its wines. As part of diplomatic missions to Venezuela, Mexico, Chile and Peru he was actively involved with spreading love for Hungarian wine culture and gastronomy. Upon finishing his working career, he founded the club of Hungarian wine writers, was a member of the Hungarian Wine Academy, the Hungarian Sommelier Association and the Tokaj Order of Wine.  As contributing writer to various print magazines and websites in Hungary and in Spanish as a member of FIJEV with a considerable network in Latin America. 

Es un DIGNO representante de su país , siempre culto , inteligente, atractivo y generoso, en el PERU todos lo recordamos por su rapidez mental , y sus vastos conocimientos en temas de PR y VINOS

Rocio Zumaran

It was published on his social media profile, the sad news that after battling with long illness, Dr. József  Kósarka, passed away on November 6, 2022, at the age of 71.

“After a long and serious illness, which he carried with dignity, he spent his last time at home, surrounded by his loved ones. His memory lives forever in our hearts.”

Always aiming for wider horizons: “In wine marketing, I can imagine more perspective thinking and greater courage in this area, because this is the only way to achieve a breakthrough”.

Limassol 2016. Member of the press and wine judges during visit to Cyprus in 2016 invited by Viticultural Section at Ministry of Agriculture/ Υπουργείο Γεωργίας, Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Περιβάλλοντος – Cyprus MOA.

Our meeting with József kósarka, as probably the most of us in the last decades, was on a wine trip. It was a real pleasure to have been able to discuss and debate over fortified wine futures with wine tastings and bus route around the island for the national wine competition. Fruit of these trips, he was always keen on reporting his adventures notably in Spanish readers in Mexico, the Americas and beyond.

His original article was published on Vinísfera – Wine Magazine which can be found today in the confines of the web archive, we thought it appropriate to rescue József’s writings about Cyprus as a testimonial of his visit and shared experience.

Examples of prolific writing in Spanish can also be found on the Club de Amantes del Vino. As a memory and the privilege of having sharing moments of generosity and passionate conversations over his vasts interest for everything wine, public relations and the love for his native Hungary.

Descanse en Paz József.
Our most Heartful condoleances to family and friends.

Jozsef Kosarka Cyprus Wine Ambassador
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