New Generation Wines of Cyprus

Old Plateau Vines Cyprus
Partner Tasting Events – EvoinoEncounters
New Generation driven
by the indigenous.

The wine scene in Cyprus has evolved dynamically in recent years and high altitude vines grown in the high-altitude foothills of the Troodos mountains.

Zurich is the host city to open a series of wine events related to the Cyprus Wine. The first of such occasion to bringing winemakers and winelovers together has been made possible by the guiding selection of Paphos Wein Imports, promoting Cyprus Wines in Switzerland for a decade now. Spring is the season for renewing with Wines from Cyprus

Read on – Cyprus Wines in Zurich

After decades of investing in quality and characteristic winemaking; from improved grape and soil knowledge, Cyprus wine-producing regions can boast of regional distinctiveness. The EvoinoEcounters is an initiative that scales up dialogues with guest wine personalities related to Cyprus, wanting to added their view points to impact transformation where it may be occurring. A discussion that brings themes and viewpoints into the open, the particular and the personal around the wine sector